第一次是在8月的PC Fair,那时我正在卖电脑,正巧有个黑人到我这摊看,我就给他一张传单让他看看咯,顺便介绍一下。怎知介绍到一半,他突然问我住哪里,又问我在哪读书,还问我的电话号码,看到这样就知道他是来"玩耶"!就随便回答他两句再想办法逃离。怎知他却一直问一直问我的电话号码,我又一直一直不肯给。他看我那么硬颈,只好算了。最好笑是他最后说了一句话作Ending :"You are good in marketing!"
[o/s: 三条线 ''' ]
8月9日后,我就开始没运动了。不是我不要运动,是天气和时间的不允许。直到前天(10月17日),我终于再运动了!呵呵!好开心喔!不过距离两个月之久,现在又突然运动起来,当然要付出代价咯!那就是,肌肉酸痛!唉,谁叫我没做热身就玩那么激烈的运动 - 壁球!活该!
再过这星期,Revision Class就上完了。之后,Kim & Ying就会回沙巴,剩我一个人在KL。这并不是第一次这样子,所以我也无所谓。只不过,在这段时间,我是否会乖乖地温习功课,那就要有所保留了。12月就要考External Paper了,在自习的这一个月里是我的关键。除了自我勉励外,还希望会有人能够不断地鼓励我。。。
God Always does things right
Once there is a man who asked GOD for
a flower & a butterfly
But instead GOD give him
a cactus & a ceterpillar
The man was sad, he didn't understand
Then he thought:
"Oh well, GOD have too many people to care for..."
And decided not to question
After some times, the man went to check up on his request that he had left forgotten
To his surprise, from the thorny & ugly cactus
A beautiful flower had grown
And the unsightly ceterpillar had been transformed to most beautiful butterfly
GOD always does things right!
HIS way is always the best way, even to us it seems all wrong
If you ask GOD one thing & received another,
You can be sure that HE will always give you what you need at appropriate time
What you want...
...is not always what you need
GOD never fails to grant our petitions, so keep on going for HIM without doubting or murmuring
Today's thorn, is tomorrow's flower!
GOD gives the very to those who leave the choices up to HIM
My 15 Little Secrets
Tagged by KL again!!hehe...This is quite challenging la coz it's not easy to think 15 secret of my own!!Is a difficult task for me...
Each player of this game starts off with 15 weird things / habits / little known facts about you. People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 15 weird habits / things / little known facts as well as state this rule clearly. At the end, you need to choose 10 people to be tagged and list their names. NO TAG backs!
So,this is my little secrets:
1. I got "Healthy Teeth Certificate" during my kindergarden
2. I still got a baby tooth!!
3. That baby tooth only left 3 quaters!!
4. I like high calories foods & drinks which can make me fat easily eventough I wanna keep fit!E.g: cheese,chocolates,milkshake,pizza,italy food,fast food,potatoes etc!
5. I prefer SMS rather than talk phone
6. During primay 6,I broke a guy's uniform
7. I scolded at least 3 teachers when I am in upper form
8. I only passed my History in my 1st test then the rest of the tests & exams i failed but i got B4 in my SPM
9. Before i come to KL I trained Fencing very consistently for the past 4 years plus but I stil can't be a good fencer
10. My 1st gastrik is on Good Friday of year 2003
11. I joined 3 times SUKMA, 2 times as athelet & 1 time as Chaperon
12. I like to on9 but I have nth to do when I on9
13. My 21st birthday is the birthday which is the 1st time not celebrating in hometown
14. A guy told me he LOVE me when I was in Primary 4
15. I got a SONY mp3,a SONY handycam & a SONY Ericcson hp
Wow!! Really hard to think yea....I dunno want to tag anyone coz everytime I tag ppl, their response are so disappointed...Erm,so I better don't tag anyone. If any of my fren is interested on this,just play it and say tag by me la! I dun mind...haha!!
Each player of this game starts off with 15 weird things / habits / little known facts about you. People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 15 weird habits / things / little known facts as well as state this rule clearly. At the end, you need to choose 10 people to be tagged and list their names. NO TAG backs!
So,this is my little secrets:
1. I got "Healthy Teeth Certificate" during my kindergarden
2. I still got a baby tooth!!
3. That baby tooth only left 3 quaters!!
4. I like high calories foods & drinks which can make me fat easily eventough I wanna keep fit!E.g: cheese,chocolates,milkshake,pizza,italy food,fast food,potatoes etc!
5. I prefer SMS rather than talk phone
6. During primay 6,I broke a guy's uniform
7. I scolded at least 3 teachers when I am in upper form
8. I only passed my History in my 1st test then the rest of the tests & exams i failed but i got B4 in my SPM
9. Before i come to KL I trained Fencing very consistently for the past 4 years plus but I stil can't be a good fencer
10. My 1st gastrik is on Good Friday of year 2003
11. I joined 3 times SUKMA, 2 times as athelet & 1 time as Chaperon
12. I like to on9 but I have nth to do when I on9
13. My 21st birthday is the birthday which is the 1st time not celebrating in hometown
14. A guy told me he LOVE me when I was in Primary 4
15. I got a SONY mp3,a SONY handycam & a SONY Ericcson hp
Wow!! Really hard to think yea....I dunno want to tag anyone coz everytime I tag ppl, their response are so disappointed...Erm,so I better don't tag anyone. If any of my fren is interested on this,just play it and say tag by me la! I dun mind...haha!!
那天妹妹考完试就来我家住几天,哥哥就约我们去吃饭。原本以为只是去Wangsa 或Genting Klang随便吃吃,怎知道哥哥带我们到Avenue K的 Kim Gary吃耶!呵呵!蛮开心的,做工了果然不一样!然后我们就在KLCC逛了几小时,再一起去教堂。很奇怪也,以前一家人一起去逛街时,哥哥总是一个人自己到处乱跑,我和妹妹就跟着爸妈,很少说会四个小孩一起跟着爸妈一起跑。这次,四个"小孩"一起逛街,对我们而言,真的有点奇怪,我还有点不习惯呢!
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